Join the National Parties Working Group


Adoption of the BITMO Platform is ultimately up to each national signatory to the Paris Agreement. We are convening a working group of National Parties (the entity within national governments responsible for engaging with the UNFCCC) to help vision and establish a tool to operationalize Article 6 of the Paris Agreement using the blockchain.

National Party participants will be invited to provide feedback on existing design and plans, highlighting both aspects of good fit, as well as any items that may be showstoppers for their adoption of this blockchain technology. Our ultimate goal is to create champions and users of the BITMO Platform, including 2+ countries willing make an Article 6.2 ITMO transfer as soon as feasible - ideally at COP26 in Glasgow.

As of February 2021, we currently have six openings for country participants. If you, or a National Party you know are interested in helping create the future and deliver the tools needed to execute ITMO transfer across borders, please let us know.